Tuesday, March 11, 2008

4 Tips to Becoming More Productive

4 Tips to Becoming More Productive
1. Create a trusted system
Your system should be a clear and organized inventory of your commitments. Remember it has to work for you.
2. It's you not your time.
Understand effective time management is really self-management. Your goals need to show up on your radar in a useful way. Define and review projects as you move toward the goal line.
3. What's next?
Ask yourself, what’s the next action I should take? Repeatedly asking this question can help your prioritize what’s important and keep you moving forward.
4. When you think it, ink it.
Define actionable items into outcomes and concrete steps.
1 Tip to Change Your Life
Change your thoughts
The thoughts, images and words you replay in your mind everyday are directly related to your happiness and achievements. What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. Replace negative thoughts with a positive affirmation. Expect success.
3 Ways to Establish Your Life Vision
1. Start Dreaming and get going.
Create a snapshot of your ideal life with a bulleted list. A life plan will give you a clear direction and help you develop a strategy for getting there.
2. What are you good at?
List your skills and abilities you can build upon to attain your ideal life and then prioritize the development of those skills.
3. Keep your why in front of your eye.
Revisit your life plan frequently and keep it in plain view. Your life plan will remind you of what you want, what’s important and what to do next.