Friday, August 29, 2008

My Page - Sta.rtUp.Biz - The Small Business Social Network

My Page - Sta.rtUp.Biz - The Small Business Social Network

My Page - WorkSpace

My Page - WorkSpace

My Page - Restore your score

My Page - Restore your score

My Page - Heart Beat World

My Page - Heart Beat World

PPL Media Room: Membership Guide Improves Features

PPL Media Room: Membership Guide Improves Features: "Membership Guide Improves Features
The Pre Paid Legal membership guide has changed. Daily, thousands of membership guides go out across North America to reach new Pre Paid Legal members. Our goal is to provide members with a guide that explains what a membership can do for them as well as provide helpful information on exactly how to utilize their new membership.
The membership guide gives members access to their benefits. The use of a new synthetic paper and lamination process allowed us to improve the membership cards. The cards are more durable, and a lighter weight. Because of the process, the colors are more vibrant and the text should be easier to read. This new process allows us to provide member cards, key fobs that attach to a key chain, and even a Rolodex card.
The decal page has also been enhanced. Now labels included in the guide can be applied to a multitude of different surfaces including phones, desks, and refrigerators. Because of a new non-aggressive adhesive, they can be used and reused in many different creative ways and we hope they will remind our members that our legal services are merely a phone call away.
As always, we strive to meet the needs of our members and these enhancements will hopefully bring a new level of excitement and energy to our membership guide, and to all the members who receive it."

Gmail - Are You Eating Enough? -

My Page - Heart Beat World

My Page - Heart Beat World