Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Path of Greatness Within You

Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.

The Path of Greatness Within You
If you are quick to take offense, then you'll be under the control of those who you find offensive. If you are easily angered, then your actions will be dictated by those who anger you.

If you are obsessed by what other people think, then you will be imprisoned by their thoughts. If you yearn for easy answers and quick solutions, you'll fall prey to people who offer you nothing but promises.

If you find the truth too difficult to bear, you'll be enslaved to those who tell you what you want to hear. When you have the courage to think for yourself, the strength to accept what is, the commitment and discipline to make a difference, then you experience freedom.

You have true freedom to live with purpose, joy and fulfillment. Let your life be defined, not by reactions to what others do, say, or think but rather your own unique vision. Raise your eyes above the pettiness and follow the path of the greatness that is within you.

Thought for the Moment

Every experience we have is shaped by our core beliefs, attitudes, actions we choose to take, and choice of words. You can begin shifting to more joyful and rewarding experiences today.