Friday, February 29, 2008

Rules to Weight Loss

Here are five simple ideas to help you maintain your weight:

1. Keep a food and exercise diary.
Writing down what you eat is one of the best ways to prevent poor food choices and useless calories. You’ll be amazed at how many calories you’re consuming—and identifying the culprit foods is the first step in eliminating them
2. Get more sleep.
When you’re sleep deprived, you’re more likely to catch a cold or have an accident. Your work performance can suffer, too. A tired body is also less efficient at building muscle and burning fat. You may go through the moves, but your sluggish pace makes your workout less effective. Eight hours is the optimum rest for most people. If you have trouble adjusting to an earlier bedtime, turn the lights low and put on soft music one hour beforehand.
3. Eat breakfast.
Skipping meals is a big mistake. You need food energy in the morning to get your body moving. Make breakfast well-rounded with a bit of protein and fruit as well as fiber. The simple act of eating wakes up your metabolism, so you start burning more calories right away.
4. Get moving before dinner.
I like to power walk or get outside and play with my daughters in the late afternoon or right before dinner. After a long work day, a quick walk or a rousing game of catch helps perk me up and releases stress. And that’s not all: predinner physical activity—even if it’s just a 10 minute walk—can help curb your appetite, so you end up eating less. Even better, it will give your metabolism a quick boost so your body is fully prepared for the food you’re about to eat. So before dinner, go for a short walk, hop on a bike, dance around your living room, or do 10 minutes of yoga—anything to burn a few calories and get your blood pumping!
5. Establish a kitchen curfew.
Experts have different theories on whether eating in the evening makes you more likely to gain weight. I believe that it does, and here’s why. During the day, you’re constantly getting up and moving—lifting boxes at the office, running to catch the bus—so your body needs steady fuel. But by evening, your body starts to slow down as you return home and prepare for bed. Your metabolism slows down, too. Therefore, if you eat a large meal before going to sleep, the food is more likely to get stored rather than burn for instant energy. So, when the clock strikes eight, turn off the lights and tell yourself that the kitchen is closed until morning. This will prevent late-night snacking and ensure that you won’t be putting on pounds while you sleep.