Monday, December 3, 2007

Employee to Entrepreneur

YOU are a successful, healthy businesswoman with strong values and a deep faith who wants to grow and move quickly; and if you know you are destined for more and just need some focused, targeted, unambiguous direction as well as one positive, organized, nurturing person in your corner

Entrepreneur: one who undertakes a business enterprise, especially one involving risk.Employee: job-holder, staffer, wage-earner, worker.

1. Stop thinking like an employee.

Are you still thinking like an employee? Once you've made the commitment to run your business as if your life depended on it (it does!), everything changes. One of the most dramatic shifts that must be made, in order for you to be wildly successful, is to stop thinking like an employee and start thinking like an entrepreneur. Why? Because you are one now. No boss. No salary. No rules. What that really means limits. The only restrictions now are the ones you choose to tolerate.

2. Stop waiting for your next assignment.If you are waiting for someone to tell you what to do next you're missing the point. This is your business. Of course you need training and help and mentoring and networking. But what you do with all that is entirely up to you. And so is your success

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