Thursday, December 27, 2007


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Monday, December 24, 2007


Unconditional Love
When we love someone in its truest of form, it is a pure love, a love with no conditions. Love out of purity can develop over time or be instantaneous in some situations.
When we love or care for someone unconditionally it is because we want to, not because we feel we have to. We don't love that person because of what they do for us. We don't love them because we want something that they have. We love them because we have a special place reserved in our hearts and in our spirits specifically for them. This love is unshaken because it is based on truth not on convenience.
It doesn't even matter if our love is reciprocated by the person we care for. It doesn't matter if they turn their backs and walk away. It doesn't matter if they choose to say nothing at all, because the love you have for them exists regardless of the circumstance and regardless of the condition. It is simply based on your strong sense of care for this individual. It is not based on power. It is not based on control. It is based on love's purest intentions.
When we love someone unconditionally, we love them as they are, as they were, and as they intend to be. We embrace their past, their present, and their future as a fine intricate detail of who they are. When they speak, we listen to them. When they are still, we stand by their sides. When they need to be left alone, we leave them be, but we continue to love them even when separated by distance.
Unconditional love goes beyond just the emotions of love, it develops in the core of our being as it is there where we hold those close to us so dearly.

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast.
It is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered.
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.

We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread, but there are many more dying for a little love

I had found a kind of serenity, a new maturity... I didn't feel better or stronger than anyone else but it seemed no longer important whether everyone loved me or not - more important now was for me to love them. Feeling that way turns your whole life around; living becomes the act of giving.

Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.
The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.


"Bold" is defined in the dictionary as: "fearless and daring; courageous."
When you think "bigger" it could mean you will see the same future, only more of it. In other words, you could be lulled into just expanding the vision you currently have, limiting it to an already defined box. But when you think "bolder" you are asking your mind to be more fearless, more daring in what you imagine for yourself.
Being bold would mean you would have to release your right to be scared.
You would have to act in ways that will shake up the comfort zone of other people in your life.
You would have to step out in faith (the epitome of being fearless) knowing that you are never called to fail, only to succeed on a massive scale.
Where is God calling YOU to think not bigger, but bolder in your life and in your business?
How do you intend to answer his call today?

Sunday, December 23, 2007

What you accept as true, and act on as true, will be absolutely true for you. Be careful what you visualize, wish for and believe in. Believe you can achieve your dreams, and you will achieve them.
Thought for the Moment

You have a right to be engaged in work that is enjoyable to you. No matter where you are at this moment, you can choose actions that will take you wherever you really want to go.
Thought for the Moment

The start of something new brings the hope of something great. Anything is possible. There is only one you. And you will pass this way only once. Do it right. Dream big.
Thought for the Moment

There are laws of prosperity and success at work in the universe. Being ignorant of those laws will not save us from the consequences of ignoring those laws.

Thought for the Moment

Thought for the Moment

Mistakes and failures are some of the most valuable blessings in life. They put us back on the right course to high achievement.

Peaceful Stillness
Let yourself know the beauty of being completely at peace in this very moment. Calm your thoughts,quiet your mind,and breathe in the serenitythat is now.All is well and all is as it should be. Relax, and know the peaceful stillness as it fillsyou to the core.In the quiet serenity of now,there is no need to prove anything.Worry and strife are nothing more than distant illusions.With every slow and peaceful breath you take, something becomes abundantly clear. You know without a doubt that there is a real and valuable goodnessthat comes with every moment,every circumstance, every experience.In this moment, be at peace.Experience the calm, confident,positive power. Let yourself be at peace. And you will truly know how to make much more of it.

Thought for the Moment

Becoming secure and independent comes by taking responsibility for your own security. Independence requires planning, taking action, and making informed choices.

A Place of Potential Peace and Tranquility
"For me the appropriate metaphor for the inner spiritual centre is a garden, a place of potential peace and tranquility. This garden is a place where the Spirit of God comes to make self-disclosure, to share wisdom, to give affirmation or rebuke, to provide encouragement, and to give direction and guidance.
When this garden is in proper order, it is a quiet place, and there is an absence of busyness, of defiling noise, of confusion. The inner garden is a delicate place, and if not properly maintained it will be quickly overrun by intrusive under-growth.
God does not often walk in disordered gardens. And that is why inner gardens that are ignored are said to be empty."


As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you downprobably will.
You will have your heart broken probably more than once, and it's harder every time.
You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.
You'll fight with your best friend.
You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love.
So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt,because every sixty seconds you spend upsetis a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end,be afraid that it will never begin.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Daily Power Quotes

"The more you seek security, the less of it you have. But the more you seek opportunity, the more likely it is that you will achieve the security that you desire.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


You Will Be Blessed

Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken.
You Will be Blessed
You will be blessed when...
You choose to be content... accepting that you are in the right place now for your growth, discovering that the peace you seek is within you—that today's miracles are enough, and knowing that you will grow according to your faith in God.
You choose to be responsible... knowing that you create your circumstances with your thoughts, choices, actions, and reactions—accepting total accountability for your life and results.
You choose to persevere... holding to your visions when it is easier to loose sight, climbing over barriers when it is easier to quit, and viewing every obstacle as a blessing to increase your knowledge, strength, and resolve.
You choose to give... knowing that you must give before you will receive, and that what you give will return to you many times in the most incredible ways.
You choose to forgive... releasing your mind from attack on itself, discovering the healing of personal accountability, realizing that the past is a gift to guide you—not imprison you, and allowing yourself to move forward with a peaceful heart.
You choose to express gratitude... focusing on each of today's miracles, increasing your awareness of the abundance surrounding you, and opening your heart to accept more of God's richest blessings.
You choose to love... allowing the peace in your heart to flow toward others, and knowing that love is the only gift that can outshine fear and despair.

The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, learn about them, or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them
Share the Happiness and Adventure
There are many valuable ways to share the happiness and adventure of living with others. Here are a few ideas...
Share appreciation: Tell someone how much their faith in you and contributions to your life mean.
Share time: Balance family and work life to spend valuable hours with the people that you love.
Share knowledge and ideas: Tell someone about a great book you read so they can benefit from it too. Pass along an idea that someone may need to hear just at that moment.
Share friendship: Visit someone you haven't seen for a long time. Have a chat with an old friend. Introduce two friends who don't know each other.
Share kindness: Perform a random act of kindness for someone, a smile, compliment, or favor - just for fun.
Share faith and courage: Let someone know that you stand behind them, acknowledge their strengths, and are willing to be there when they need you.
Share experience: Your experiences and perceptions of life are completely unique and priceless. Sharing experiences will build one of the strongest bonds with others. When we share experience, we share our deepest and most authentic selves.
Sharing our selves, time, and ideas never leaves us with less; it multiplies our abundance, and provides us with more. It sends every thought on a far- reaching journey where it will touch many lives and reconnect with our own!
Thought for the Moment
The keys to high performance are education, motivation, concentration, focus, discipline, and persistent action.
"One very important aspect of motivation is the willingness to stop and to look at things that no one else has bothered to look at. This simple process of focusing on things that are normally taken for granted is a powerful source of creativity."

"Just don't give up on trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong."
Thought for the Moment
You must have several things in this life to live and create to your highest potential: Friends, Faith, and Determination.
Daily Power Quotes
"Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers. -
"You accomplish victory step by step, not by leaps and bounds

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Grace Ebeids' Attitudes Toward Failure and Rejection

I never see failure as failure, but only as a learning experience.
I never see failure as failure, but only as the feedback I need
to change course in my direction.
I never see failure as failure, but only as an opportunity to
improve my sense of humor.
I never see failure as failure, but only as an opportunity to
practice my techniques and perfect my performance.
I never see failure as failure, but only as the game I must
play to win!


Since our lives are realities that go on and on, true success, the kind that doesn't crumble into dust the moment we get our hands on it, must be part of that continuous journey. Each goal you set, strive for and achieve is part of your overall goal of a balanced and happy life.Only you can define precisely what achieving a successful life means to you. But, if happiness has any place in your set of values, your successful life will probe many interests, experience many emotions, fill many needs, and accomplish many aims. I strongly recommend that you begin with goals for your health—physical fitness; wealth—financial security; mind—emotional stability (This includes continually learning and growing mentally.); and spiritual fulfillment for a good sense of balance.

Choose specific goals. Predetermine them far enough in advance of their deadlines to allow you to change and develop enough to reach them. Unless you do both these things, success will always be a stranger—or at best, a fickle, unfriendly, and infrequent visitor in your life.

Nothing that will give lasting satisfaction can be achieved unless the goals striven for are worthwhile . Discovering and moving toward what is truly worthwhile to you is the most challenging and rewarding task of your continuous journey through life. If you wish to be truly successful, accept this challenge. Think about it deeply. Then act on your conclusions.

Success isn't all of a sudden. Success is every day. Once you get near your current goals, start thinking about where you'll go after you get there. This is vital. And you can do it without diverting energy from nailing down the great success you're closing in on now. Before achieving that aim, rest your mind occasionally by speculating on what your next goals will be. Make a written list of your ideas. As you find free moments, collect your thoughts about your new goals. Gather information on them.

Prepare for the trauma of success. Unless you plunge into the pursuit of new goals, you'll get bored. You'll get depressed, and you'll start sliding downhill as soon as you lose the challenge of chasing your current goals. Witness the number of people who win celebrity and wealth in show business and then lose everything to alcohol or drugs.

Fortunately, a solid new goal is a sure cure. Don't leave your old goal without one.

Monday, December 3, 2007

7 Steps to Taking Your Life Back!

1. Identify and eliminate everything you are currently tolerating. This can include minor annoyances all the way up to the behavior of other people.
2. Automate everything that can be automated - paying bills, marketing systems, administration, voice mails etc.3. Eliminate toxic people from your life. Sometimes you just have to let people go. Now is the time.
4. Decide who gets to play in your yard then establish impenetrable boundaries. Think of it like having a fence around your yard. You determine who is in the yard and who stays out. Only you can open and close the gate. You can talk to people over the fence but that doesn't mean you have to let them in. Choose wisely.
5. Decide to only do business and associate with people you like, trust, and respect. If one, two (or all three!) of these are missing, why on earth would you want these people in your life or your business?
6. Workout. Not for anyone else, just for you. Not because you'll look better but because you'll feel, breathe, sleep, think, relax, work, and play better. And, most importantly, because you can't accomplish such lofty goals when you feel awful - you need maximum energy.

7. Refuse to participate in anything negative, including gossip, one-upsmanship, and sarcasm, whose sole purposes are to tear down something or someone else. It also includes tearing yourself down. Replace all talk of the past, which is unproductive, with talk of the ideal future. Moving forward physically means moving forward mentally.



No Excuses !

There is simply no bona-fide, authentic excuse for not being enormously successful. You control what you become
1. Eliminate toxic people
2. Surround yourself with people you like, trust, and respect
3. Recognize and eliminate distractions and tolerations
4. "Hire" a Board of Directors who will support you 100%
5. Experience an unusual goal-setting tool
6. Claim control of who has access to you
7. Set firm but gracious boundaries
8. Transform your negative self-talk into a powerful partner
9. Cut your mental chaos in half with this one simple trick
10. Discover what balance really is and how to have it
11. Understand why needs are stronger than values
12. Plan, set, and achieve powerful goals
13. Stay motivated long after an inspirational event
14. Ensure your customers never forget about you
15. Quiet the liar you hear in your head
16. Develop your own network or power partners

Employee to Entrepreneur

YOU are a successful, healthy businesswoman with strong values and a deep faith who wants to grow and move quickly; and if you know you are destined for more and just need some focused, targeted, unambiguous direction as well as one positive, organized, nurturing person in your corner

Entrepreneur: one who undertakes a business enterprise, especially one involving risk.Employee: job-holder, staffer, wage-earner, worker.

1. Stop thinking like an employee.

Are you still thinking like an employee? Once you've made the commitment to run your business as if your life depended on it (it does!), everything changes. One of the most dramatic shifts that must be made, in order for you to be wildly successful, is to stop thinking like an employee and start thinking like an entrepreneur. Why? Because you are one now. No boss. No salary. No rules. What that really means limits. The only restrictions now are the ones you choose to tolerate.

2. Stop waiting for your next assignment.If you are waiting for someone to tell you what to do next you're missing the point. This is your business. Of course you need training and help and mentoring and networking. But what you do with all that is entirely up to you. And so is your success

There's Only One Home Business Opportunity

They've been featured in Forbes, Newsweek, Barrons, Inc., Money Magazine, BusinessWeek, Black Enterprise, Wall Street Journal, Investors Daily, Success From Home Magazine... and more.
International phenomenon, and best selling author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad," Robert Kiyosaki, has openly stated...
The facts speak for themselves:
This 35 year, cash-rich company is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange, and reports directly to the Securities & Exchange Commission. This means that everything you're about to uncover... their reputation... their financial security... their 13 consecutive quarters of RECORD growth... is 100% verifiable!
Thanks to a revolutionary and proven income-building system that YOU TOO can plug into... thousands of people are quietly building personal fortunes from the comfort of their homes; but...
What's even more exciting is what experts are saying WILL HAPPEN... in the next 35 months!
Here's your chance to discover why experts are saying that this company will do more business in the next 35 months, than they've done in the first 35 years! It's the opportunity of a lifetime for anyone even considering starting a home based business!
So strap yourself in and get ready to discover what people are calling "their fast-track to immediate income." It all unfolds on the very next page...


Just for today...
I will try to live and delight in the reality of being alive. My past is forever gone, my future an uncertainty, so I will be happy and thankful for each moment.I will not allow negative input into my mind...happiness is a choice and I choose to be happy.I will be thankful to God for my health, my loved ones, my business, and my country. I will also be thankful for any pain in crisis that helps me grow because God has said, be thankful in all things.I will take care of my body, realizing the importance of the words moderation and balance, knowing that as I bring my flesh under control, how much easier it will be to control my will and my actions.I will treat everyone I meet today the way I would like to be treated. I will strive to have them like themselves better when they’re with me.I will avoid gossip, jealousy, and negative thinking. Most people don’t think about what they think about. Today, I will make a conscious effort to hold loving and beautiful thoughts in my mind.I will write down my priorities; thinking of my loved ones and my responsibilities. I may not get everything done, but I will do the most productive thing possible at every given moment.I will strive to humble myself before others, controlling my ego and making other people feel important.I will spend time in study, learning how to better serve my fellowman. I know my growth in all areas is in direct proportion to the service I give to others.I will not take rejection personally. I am first and foremost in the people business and, thus, realize they can only reject my proposal and not me. I will keep on keepin’ on.I will spend time in prayer, asking God to let others see the light of His shining love through me.